Clapham Junction urban heart masterplan

Work is underway to produce a masterplan for Clapham Junction station and the surrounding urban area. This work is necessary to ensure the station remains fit for purpose, and any wider development delivers the best outcomes and values for the local area. 

Why we are doing this now

There is a pressing need to upgrade Clapham Junction station to ensure it continues to run efficiently and can support high passenger numbers safely.

The station is important locally as well as for London, but it also plays a huge role in transport connections across the whole of the South East. 

About the area

Clapham Junction is one of the busiest town centres in Wandsworth. Each day, thousands of people pass through the railway station and people from across the borough and beyond come to live, work, visit and shop here. 

It has been identified as an Opportunity Area in the Mayor of London’s London Plan, which means there are key locations with potential for new homes, jobs and infrastructure of all types. 

The Local Plan adopted in 2023 contains a recommendation for us to produce a masterplan for the area. 

This area of focus is identified in the Local Plan (2023-2038) as the Area Strategy for Clapham Junction and York Road/Winstanley Regeneration Area.

A further extension of the Northern Line to Clapham Junction is also being considered.

View the Clapham Junction masterplan map.


Development and improvements

There are several sites nearby that have been identified in the Local Plan as being suitable for development. We want to make sure any development that happens in the future is cohesive and delivers the best outcomes for the wider Clapham Junction area. 

This means we will look at ways to:

  • Improve connections and walking routes
  • Strengthen the identity of the area
  • Improve wayfinding and the public realm
  • Deliver genuinely affordable housing, particularly social rented housing. 


This masterplan will be a document and policy guide which shapes our collective vision of how the area will look in the future. The masterplan, using the knowledge and input of communities, will help guide decisions on land use development.  

Together with our project partners (Network Rail, Greater London Authority, Transport for London and the ShopStop mall) we are engaging with local communities and organisations as we start developing this plan. 

A design team with specialist experience in similar projects has been appointed to help us understand the challenges and the appetite for change considering the views of the community, voluntary sector, local businesses, employers, landlords and service providers. 

The specialist architecture and urban design team Weston Williamson and Partners (WW+P) were appointed in December 2023 and are now engaging with local partners and communities to inform the masterplan work.

Phases and timeline

The Transport Committee meeting on 1 February 2023 gave agreement to the production of a framework Urban Heart for Clapham Junction Masterplan in partnership with Network Rail, GLA/TfL and DTZi, with development and funding options.

The first phase of the masterplan is focused on the challenge of upgrading the station’s capacity, and will examine options for how this could be achieved whilst also serving the wider Clapham Junction community more successfully.

The second phase of the project will look beyond the station in more detail. We want to produce a masterplan which ensures that any improvements to the station also have a positive impact for the wider area. 

Project timeline
Project phases Dates
Stage 1 – Technical analysis of Clapham Junction station January to July 2024 
Stage 2 – Design and engagement process for wider masterplan September 2024 to January 2025 expected
Stage 3 - Adoption of the masterplan Winter 2025/spring 2026 expected 

Listening to your feedback

We know that residents and organisations have already spoken to the council about issues in the Clapham Junction station area and that a community-led plan has been produced. A key aim for us is to build on this work wherever we can and make sure it becomes part of planning policy, rather than to start from scratch.

As part of our commitment to working with the community, we have already hosted a drop-in event at Battersea Library. You can now view the resources shared at that event.

We have also launched our Commonplace site which features an ideas map that residents can drop a pin on to share their views. The site will be updated as the project progresses, and you can join the mailing list to receive our newsletter. 

We are doing things differently across the borough. At the heart of this is ensuring we listen to the views of local people from an early stage, particularly if there are proposed changes to an area. We will consult local businesses, residents and community organisations as the project progresses.


If you have any questions or would like more information, get in touch by emailing