Receive details of new planning applications in your area

You can be notified of new planning applications in your chosen area of Wandsworth.

If you are likely to be affected by a proposal, you can request to be consulted by us on applications that require third party consultation, without needing to do anything. 

Email to request updates of new planning applications in your area.

Applications near you

You will usually be made aware of an application by a letter from us because you live in or occupy premises close to the application site and we consider that you might be affected by the development.

We also publicise certain applications on site or in the local newspaper, the Wandsworth Times.

However, it doesn't matter how you got to hear about a proposal, anyone can submit comments to us. We strongly recommend that you look at an application before commenting on it.

Planning policy consultations

To be included in future consultations on planning policy, please email your details to

Anyone who has previously commented on LDF documents will automatically be included in future policy consultations.