Draft Local Plan: Issues document

Wandsworth Local Plan

In December 2018, we produced the Local Plan Review: Issues document, which sets out the high-level issues that we have identified following a review of the existing Local Plan and national and regional policy.

We held a public consultation on this document from December 2018 to February 2019. To view the individual comments received, please visit the consultation portal. The Council have also produced a Consultation Statement document  which summarises the comments received and includes the Council’s response.

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

We adopted a Scoping Report (2016), prepared by CAG Consultants to support the full review for the Wandsworth Local Plan. We reviewed the 2016 Scoping Report to ensure that the evidence base and objectives were up to date and to take account of any new evidence that has come forward since the preparation of the 2016 report.

Call for sites

As part of the preparation for the Local Plan, we held a 'Call for Sites'. This is an invitation to all individuals, developers, landowners, agents and other interested parties to submit details of sites within the borough that may be available for redevelopment over the lifetime of the Local Plan. This consultation ran from December 2018 to March 2019.

The responses received as part of this exercise have helped to inform the site allocations that have been taken forward in the Draft Local Plan ‘Pre-Publication’ version. The information submitted was analysed to establish the capacity, availability and deliverability of sites, including their potential suitability for different uses, and a decision taken on whether to include this within the draft Local Plan.

We are required to produce and publish a Brownfield Land Register annually on our website. Where a respondent to the Call for Sites exercise indicated that they wished to, and the requisite criteria were met, the site has been recorded on Part 1 of the Register.


Email: planningpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk

Planning Policy
Environment and Community Services
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU