Raising the Bar - early community engagement guidance for applicants

We have prepared guidance for early community engagement to support high-quality, pre-application engagement for development schemes. Engagement should start early, be consistent, and support the delivery of high-quality places across Wandsworth. The approach should be transparent and closely linked to the design and decision-making processes.

The guidance connects to our Developers’ Protocol 2023. The Council's Protocol sets out how we will work with developers to maximise the development of social homes for rent.

Raising the Bar provides information on developing an engagement strategy, engaging with our communities and the Council’s engagement expectations for applicants. The requirements for Statements of Community Involvement are also covered.

Using the guidance

The guidance is for applicants and developers of major schemes (10+ dwellings). However, some smaller schemes should also incorporate the guidance into engagement strategies.

Read Raising the Bar guidance

Early engagement strategies

To help applicants develop an engagement strategy, we have produced an engagement strategy template.

We can also offer support to help develop and tailor your engagement strategy.

See the following links for more information on how to identify key stakeholders and community focal points near your site: