Page 2 - Guidance on how Primary Care can help :: Portus
P. 2

Self-harm and suicide ideation

             in children and young people

             and how Primary Care can help.

             National studies highlight that mental health and
             emotional disorders are increasing in children and
             young people. Alongside this rise we have also seen
             an increase in self-harm and suicidal ideation.

             Key Facts

                 11-to-16 year olds...

                 with a mental health disorder

                 ...were more likely to have                     ...were more likely to have
                 self-harmed or attempted                        self-harmed or attempted

                 suicide at some point                           suicide in the past four
                 (25.5%) than those without a                    weeks (13%) than those
                 disorder (3%).                                  without a disorder (0.3%).
                 The association with mental health disorder     They were also more likely to have spoken
                 was clear in both boys and girls.               about self-harm or suicide (16.5% compared
                                                                 with 1.4%)
                 In 17-to 19-year-olds with a mental health
                 disorder, nearly half (46.8%) had self-harmed
                 or made a suicide attempt (ONS, 2020)

                                     Rates of having ever self-harmed or attempted
                   34      %         suicide varied by type of disorder present, and

                                     at one in three (34%) this was highest in children
                                     with an emotional disorder.

                                     Portus - A Safe Space - Guidance on how Primary Care can help
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