Walking and wheeling
Our commitment is to create a high-quality core cycle network connecting popular destinations, encouraging residents to choose to make their journey by bike. We will create improved infrastructure, more cycle lanes and cycle parking, and create safe routes with cleaner air.
- Residential cycle storage
- Cycle parking
- Maintenance, safety and security
- Cycle routes
- Cycle hire
- Family cycle rides
- Cycle training and skills
- Cargo bikes
- Bike building
We aim to make all walking, including where using a wheelchair or buggy, in Wandsworth enjoyable, attractive and safe through consistent investment in our pavements, crossings and public realm improvements.
We take safety for all road users extremely seriously. We enforce a minimum HGV safety standard for all of our fleet vehicles, as well as those working on construction projects in the borough, in order to protect vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.
We also offer free training courses to help make your active travel journey safer.
Its important that children in Wandsworth can choose to walk, cycle, wheel, or scoot safely to and from school. A school travel plan promotes active, healthy, safe and sustainable travel, and school streets offer temporary traffic calming measures at pick up and drop off times.
Our Walking and Cycling Strategy 2022 - 2030 lays the foundation for what needs to be done to improve conditions and safety for all those who wish to walk or cycle in the borough. It is a key part of our Environment and Sustainability Strategy, as well as our Climate Change Action Plan.
- Walking and Cycling Strategy
- Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy
- Wandsworth Climate Action Plan 2024
- Wandsworth Moves Together Strategy
- Local Implementation Plan