Order recycling sacks

If your general rubbish is collected in ordinary dustbins or refuse sacks, you can use our clear sack recycling service.

You should receive a delivery of sacks to your home twice a year, in April and in October. If you don't receive your sacks, please let us know.

If you run out of sacks

If you run out of sacks between deliveries, you can use our online form to order more.

Start order

We aim to deliver sacks to your home within seven working days. They will be delivered any day from Monday to Friday, and not necessarily on your normal collection day.

Collect extra sacks

You can collect extra sacks from your nearest library.

You can also pick them up from the Customer Centre at the Town Hall in Wandsworth High Street, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.

Stocks are subject to availability.

Use a clear sack

If you need recycling sacks before you can get hold of ones we supply, you can use any clear sack instead. Do not put your recycling in:

  • Black sacks
  • White bin liners
  • Carrier bags

If you produce lots of recycling

You can register for a larger supply of sacks if your household produces lots of recycling.

If you use communal bins

You are not eligible for the recycling sack service if your home has large, communal wheeled bins.

If you're using communal bins for your rubbish, you should also have orange-lidded communal recycling containers.