Enforcement - how we keep the streets clean

To help keep our streets clean, we have Enforcement Officers who are currently out on our streets day and night. They are there to:

  • Educate residents and businesses about their waste disposal duties and responsibilities.
  • Investigate reports of dumped rubbish; identify where it has come from and who has dumped it.
  • Enforce waste related legislation by issuing penalties and prosecuting individuals and organisations found to be responsible for fly-tipping

Enforcement activity

From October 2017 to March 2018, enforcement officers issued 1,631 fines for littering, 41 fines for littering from a vehicle and successfully tracked down and fined 88 flytippers. The team has also taken action against businesses that don’t properly manage their waste and they have issued 476 penalty charge notices to local traders for not complying with the law.