Government Procurement Card transactions
We are required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 to publish details of every transaction we make on our Government Procurement Cards.
We publish annual reports of our transactions and monthly reports on amounts over £500 that we have paid our suppliers.
Annual reports
We provide details of transactions made on Government Procurement Cards.
View quarterly reports for:
- Procurement Card spend 2024/25 Q2 (PDF)
- Procurement Card spend 2024/25 Q2 (CSV)
- Procurement Card spend 2024/25 Q1 (PDF)
- Procurement Card spend 2024/25 Q1 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend 2023/24 Q4 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend 2024/24 Q4 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend 2023/24 Q3 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend 2024/24 Q3 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend 2023/24 Q2 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend 2024/24 Q2 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend 2023/24 Q1 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend 2023/24 Q1 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend 2022/23 Q4 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend 2022/23 Q4 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend 2022/23 Q3 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend 2022/23 Q3 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend 2022/23 Q1 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend 2022/23 Q1 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend Q4 2021/22 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend Q4 2021/22 (CSV)
- Procurement card spend Q1 to Q3 2021/22 (PDF)
- Procurement card spend Q1 to Q3 2021/22 (CSV)
- Procurement Card spend 2020/21 Q1 and Q2
- Procurement Card spend 2020/21 Q3
- Procurement Card spend 2020/21 Q4
- Quarter 1 transactions 2016/17 (CSV)
- Quarter 1 transactions 2016/17 (PDF)
- Quarter 2 transactions 2016/17 (CSV)
- Quarter 2 transactions 2016/17 (PDF)
- Quarter 3 transactions 2016/17 (CSV)
- Quarter 3 transactions 2016/17 (PDF)
- Quarter 4 transactions 2016/17 (CSV)
- Quarter 4 transactions 2016/17 (PDF)
- Quarter 4 transactions 2015/16 (CSV)
- Quarter 4 transactions 2015/16 (PDF)
- Quarter 3 transactions 2015/16 (CSV)
- Quarter 3 transactions 2015/16 (PDF)
- Quarter 2 transactions 2015/16 (CSV)
- Quarter 2 transactions 2015/16 (PDF)
- Quarter 1 transactions 2015/16 (CSV)
- Quarter 1 transactions 2015/16 (PDF)