Wandsworth Work Match

If you are unemployed and live in Wandsworth then we could help you find a:

  • Job
  • Traineeship
  • Apprenticeship

Visit wandsworthworkmatch.org to see latest vacancies and training opportunities exclusively for Wandsworth residents.

Businesses can find out how to get in touch with our specialist recruitment team and recruit, for free, on the Work Match website. 

The Work Match website is the single point of reference for all of our live job vacancies and is regularly updated as we continue to support Wandsworth residents into work.

Getting Wandsworth people into work

Wandsworth Work Match has been set up by the Council to help match out of work local people with new jobs in the borough.

Hundreds of construction jobs, apprenticeships and other training opportunities are now being created in regeneration areas like Nine Elms on the South Bank and Wandsworth Town. The Work Match team is working with the development companies to ensure local residents can apply before people from outside the area.

Work Match can also link unemployed residents with a range of local jobs in retail, office, catering and many other sectors.

The team will screen and vet local candidates carefully before they apply and can also direct applicants to the pre-job training and support they need to get them ready for the workplace.


Get in touch with Wandsworth Work Match: