Premises Licences, Club Premises Certificates, and Temporary Event Notices for selling alcohol, providing regulated entertainment, or selling late night refreshment (hot food and hot drink after 11pm). Personal Licences for individuals who supply or authorise the sale of alcohol.
Alcohol and entertainment licences
Animal Welfare
Licences for pet shops, zoos, animal boarding establishments, performing animals, dog breeding establishment, dangerous wild animals and riding establishments.
Animal welfare licences
Fireworks and explosives
Licences and Registrations for premises selling fireworks and car dealers/garages who deal with air bags.
Explosives licences
Food safety registration and approval
Registration of businesses to store, prepare, distribute or sell food from their premises. Food premises approval for businesses providing products containing foods of animal origin to other businesses.
Food safety registration and approval
Gambling, gaming and lotteries
Premises licences for adult gaming centres, betting shops, bingo halls, racetracks and sports grounds. Permits and notifications for gaming machines, and other low stake and prize gaming in members clubs and licensed premises. Registrations for small society lotteries.
Gambling, gaming and lotteries licences
Massage and special treatments
Licence for premises offering tattooing, piercing, massage, manicure and pedicure, UV tanning, sauna and other special treatment of a like kind.
Special treatment establishment licences
Scrap metal dealers
Licenses for dealers who operate from a fixed site and licenses for mobile collectors.
Scrap metal dealer licences
Sex establishments
Licences for sex shops, sex cinemas, and other premises offering sexual entertainment.
Sex shop and sex cinema licences
A permit to put a builder's skip/materials on a public road.
Skip permit
Sports ground licences
Licences for sports grounds that accommodate spectators.
Sports ground safety certificate
Sports stand safety certificate
Street trading: Market stalls
Licences to trade from a market stall.
Street trading licences
Trading standards licences
Weighbridge operator's licence
Tables and chairs, balconies and crane operation licences
Licences to place tables and chairs on the pavement, structures projecting over the highways, or to operate tower cranes that oversail the highway.