Domestic abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) support services

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If in an immediate danger, always call 999. For non-emergencies, dial 101 or report online.

For any out of hours support, you can call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline, a freephone 24/7 service run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge:

Get support

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Domestic abuse support in Wandsworth

Hestia provides Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy (IDVA) support and refuge accommodation for victims and their children suffering from domestic abuse. They offer both emotional and practical support to ensure that every service user has an up to date risk assessment and support plan tailored to their individual needs.

To access the Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy (IDVA) service:

Refuge enhanced support service

This service, run by the charity Refuge, supports domestic abuse survivors with additional barriers to accessing support and complex support needs such as mental health, homelessness, substance misuse, disabilities.

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Wandsworth One Stop Shops

One Stop Shop Service is a drop-in service for domestic abuse survivors. You can come in and access discrete non-judgemental support, free advice and information from agencies that are all under one roof concerning domestic abuse, stalking and sexual violence. No appointment necessary. No appointment needed. 

This service is available in two locations.


Service details:

  • When: Every Monday (excluding bank holidays)
  • Time: 10am to 12 noon
  • Location: St. Mark’s, Battersea Rise, SW11 1EJ (entrance on Boutflower Road) - see map for Battersea One Stop Shop


Service details:

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By and For services

A list of By and For services:

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Support and services for children:

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Disability support

Support and services for those with disabilities:

  • Adult Social Services - call 020 8871 7707 or email Call 020 8871 8999 for out of hours help. For adults with support needs
  • Respond - call 020 7383 0700. Support for survivors with learning disabilities or autism 
  • SignHealth - call 07800 003421 or email Support for deaf victims and survivors of abuse

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Domestic abuse services

Support and services for those who have been victim of domestic abuse:

Injunction or occupation orders

Non-molestation orders and occupation orders are designed to prevent the abuser from assaulting or harassing you and can also prevent them from entering your home.

Find out more information about injunction and occupation orders and how to apply.

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Harmful practices

Support and services for those who have been victim of harmful practices:

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Support and services for those in need of housing:

  • Wandsworth Council Housing Support - call 020 8871 6840 (Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm) or 020 8871 6000 for out of hours support. Visit Wandsworth Council Housing
  • Revive Project - call 020 3823 1072 or email A service for those willing to relocate across the country
  • Sanctuary Scheme - call 020 8871 7333. Support to help survivors secure their home

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Legal aid

Support and services for those who need legal aid:

  • Rights of Women - call 020 7608 1137 for family law and 020 7251 8887 for criminal law
  • National Centre for Domestic Violence - call 0800 970 2070 or email Free injunction support
  • Wandsworth Law Centre - call 020 8767 2777 or email For those who qualify for legal aid

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Support and services for those within the LGBTQ+ community:

  • GALOP - call 0800 999 5428 or use their live chat
  • LGBT Domestic Abuse Partnership - visit their website for more information. Consortium across London, support for VS and professionals
  • Stonewall Housing - call 020 7359 5767 or use their online form

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Support and services for men:

  • National Male Survivor Helpline - call 0808 800 5005 or email
  • ManKind Initiative - call 01823 334244. Support for male victims of domestic abuse
  • Men's Advice Line - call 0808 801 0327 or email Support for male survivors
  • Survivors UK - call 020 3322 1860 or use the live chat. Support for men, boys and non-binary people
  • Ashraya Project - email malevictims@victimsupport or call 0808 1689291. A specialist pan-London IDVA service supporting male, trans+ and non-conforming survivors of domestic abuse with housing and/or immigration needs.

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Services for perpetrators:

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Sexual violence support

Support and services for victims of sexual violence:

  • The Havens - call 020 3299 1599 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or 020 3299 6900 for 24 hour urgent help. Sexual Assault Referral Centres for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted
  • London Sexual Violence Helpline - call 0808 801 0770 between 10am to 12.30pm and 2.30 to 4pm Monday to Friday or 6 to 9pm on weekends
  • Rape Crisis South London - call 0808 802 9999 or email
  • National Rape Crisis - call 0808 500 2222 or use the live chat
  • Solace Rape Crisis Helpline - call 0808 801 0305 (Monday and Friday 10am to 2pm, Tuesdays 10am to 1pm and 6 to 8pm, Weekends and Thursdays 1 to 5pm) or email
  • Survivors Trust - call 0808 801 0818
  • Women and Girls Network - 0808 801 0770 (Monday to Friday 10am to 12.30pm and 2.30 to 4pm, weekends 6 to 9pm)

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Specific types of abuse

Support and services for victims of different types of abuse: 

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Support and services stalking victims:

  • Suzy Lamplugh Trust (National Stalking Helpline) - call 0808 802 0300
  • Paladin - call 020 3866 4107. A stalking advocacy service for 16 to 24 year olds

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