Listening to you

We have listened to your concerns and launched a new set of guarantees focused on what matters most to you.

Cleaner streets

New free bulky waste collections

Each household will now get two free bulky waste collections a year. Each separate collection can be up to four items, such as a washing machine, fridge, mattress and wardrobe, or bulky waste sacks.

Check what can be collected and book your free collection.

Weekly waste collections

We guarantee to keep your weekly waste and recycling collections.

Mega Skips

We are expanding our much-loved monthly Mega Skips. Find your next Mega Skip Day.

7 rings, 7 days

7 rings

Call us on 020 8871 6000 and a member of staff will pick up in 7 rings.

Our phone line is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, except bank holidays. 

7 days

Graffiti removed in 7 days

We will remove graffiti within 7 days if it is on Council-owned property, private property, and commercial property and can be seen from the road. We will also investigate reports of graffiti in other places and remove it if we can. If graffiti is on a private property we will need to write to the owner for consent for removal.

Report graffiti using our online form.

Broken street sign replaced in 7 days

Tell us about a broken or damaged street name sign that is no longer readable or functional and we will install a new one in 7 days. 

Report broken street signs using our online form.

Dangerous potholes fixed in 7 days

We want to know if there is a dangerous pothole that needs urgent attention.

Make a note of the location and description of the problem and report the pothole using our online form.

Our team will examine potholes and other road defects to see if there is a difference of level or trip of over 40mm in depth on the road, this is judged as a danger to the public. If the pothole you report is not classified as dangerous its location will still be recorded and added to our ongoing roads maintenance programme.

Please report potholes on red routes to Transport for London.

Tracking our performance

We will report weekly on our progress against these guarantees of better service. The table below shows our performance for the first 7 days of our pledges.

Pledge First 7 days
Calls answered in 7 rings 70%
Graffiti removed in 7 days 100%
Dangerous potholes fixed in 7 days n/a
Broken street signs fixed in 7 days 100%