Get involved in the Brighter Living Fair
Published: Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Organisations that provide care and support services in the borough are invited to get involved in this year’s Brighter Living Fair. The fair promotes healthy, safe and independent living.
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It will run over the first ten days of October, to coincide with International Older People’s Day, and will celebrate the ‘five ways to wellbeing’: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give.
There will be a series of events held in venues across the borough based around two themes, learning and using technology and staying independent within the community.
Local community groups, charities and businesses interested in hosting an event on one of those two themes should get in touch now. The council is offering funds of up to £250, on a first come, first served basis, to help you put on your event and you will also receive support from the council in publicising it.
For more information email