Nominate a community champion
Published: Friday, June 17, 2022
Do you know someone who has made a real difference to their community, but whose efforts go unrecognised? You could nominate them for a Wandsworth Civic Award.
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They could be someone who has helped out their neighbours, given up their free time to volunteer, organised a community event or carried out an exceptional act of bravery.
This year there will also be four special awards:
- For those who have shown leadership on the issue of climate change and the environment.
- For a group and for an individual who have gone above and beyond to help those affected by the conflict in Ukraine or conflict in other parts of the world.
- For those who have contributed to individual and community recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
All entries will be considered by a panel of judges and the winners will be revealed at a ceremony on November 2.
Mayor of Wandsworth Cllr Jeremy Ambache said: “The Wandsworth Civic Awards are an opportunity to shine a spotlight on people who go out of their way to help others. As our community continues to recover from the pandemic, welcomes refugees from Ukraine and other conflict zones in the world and faces issues including the climate emergency and the rising cost of living, we need our local heroes more than ever.
“If you know someone who deserves to have their efforts recognised, let us know so we can give them the recognition they deserve.”
Anyone can nominate, and the closing date is September 1.