Lime Bikes causing obstructions have been seized
Published: Friday, November 18, 2022
Wandsworth Council has today (Friday) started seizing Lime Bikes that are blocking pavements across the borough.
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Earlier this week Council Leader Simon Hogg wrote to the company’s chief executive to warn that unless swift action was taken to prevent Lime Bikes blocking pavements the council would begin impounding them. This was followed by a high-level meeting between Cllr Hogg and senior representatives of the company who pledged to heed the council’s warning and take immediate steps to tackle the problem.
Some of the impounded bikes
‘Lime’ branded hire bikes that don’t need docking stations have begun littering the streets of Wandsworth causing serious obstructions for residents, shoppers and visitors to the borough – prompting a flood of complaints.
Councillor Hogg said: “Early impressions are that our message has started to get through. However, despite some action by Lime, there were still numerous bikes blocking streets in Wandsworth today.
“We hope that our action today spells out our determination to tackle this issue and sends a strong message that Lime must make sure their bikes are parked responsibly in our borough.
“These are early days and we will be actively monitoring the situation to make sure Lime doesn’t let up in its efforts to ensure its customers park their bikes more carefully and considerately.
“We will continue to take action in the coming days and weeks.”
To read a copy of Councillor Hogg’s initial letter to the CEO of Lime Bikes please visit the news pages of the council's website.