Battersea Park Area CPZ review
We asked residents and businesses in the Battersea Park Area Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) whether they felt any changes should be made to the operation of the zone.
We listened to local concerns, including a petition, from residents of the Battersea Park Area CPZ about difficulties parking on street within the zone in the evening and at weekends when the CPZ is not in operation.
It had been reported that after 5pm and all weekend many visitors to Battersea Park chose to park in streets close to the park. This is to avoid paying in the car parks inside the park, especially during the summer months and when there are events taking place in the park as more people park in the local streets.
It had also been reported that on-street parking had become more difficult in the evening and all weekend since the opening of the Battersea Power Station development and the adjacent tube station as visitors can park for free and then walk to the power station site.
View a plan of the Battersea Park Area CPZ.
We asked for your views about possible changes to the operational hours and days of the CPZ. For example, are you happy with the existing parking controls or would you wish to see them extended so that they operate later into the evening or at weekends?
The consultation opened on Monday 24 June 2024 and closed on Sunday 28 July 2024.
You can view or download a copy of the:
Results and decisions
Summaries of the results and our decision:
- Of the 4421 properties consulted, 504 were completed – a response rate of 11% across the whole of the B zone
- 312 (62%) of respondents are dissatisfied with the present parking controls in their street
- In response to the question about whether the operational days should be changed or retained, 345 (61%) support changing the current operational days compared with 218 (38%) supporting retaining the current Monday to Friday operational days
- The further question asking, “What days do you think the CPZ controls should operate?” resulted in support from 213 (37%) for retaining the existing operational days, with respondents (5%) supporting Monday to Saturday, and 324 (57%) supporting Monday to Sunday
- In response to the question about whether the operational hours should be retained or changed, 278 (49%) support retaining the existing hours (9am to 5pm), with 283 (50%) indicating they should be changed
- The further question about the operational hours shows that 271 (48%) prefer to keep the current hours (9am to 5pm), with 104 (18%) supporting a change to 9am to 6.30pm and 186 (33%) supporting a change to 9am to 8pm
A report taking into account the results of the consultation together with all relevant highway and traffic factors was considered by our Transport Committee at their meeting on Tuesday 19 November 2024.
The Transport Committee agreed that given the consultation results and the assessments made by officers, the operational days and hours should be changed so that they operate Monday to Sunday between 9am and 8pm, including Bank and Public Holidays.
Our Executive at their meeting on Monday 9 December 2024 approved the decision to change the operational days and hours.
View the Transport Committee report.
View the consultation results.
What happens next
We are now preparing to make the agreed changes to all streets within the Battersea Park Area B Zone, including amending the Traffic Management Orders (TMOs), manufacturing replacement parking signs and refreshing existing bay markings. As part of the implementation phase, we will be changing the existing single yellow lines at junctions and where parked vehicles would cause an obstruction to double yellow lines indicating No Waiting At Any Time.
We are now preparing to introduce the agreed changes and will write to all residents and businesses within the B Zone during February/March 2025 to confirm when the revised operational days and hours become operational.
It is anticipated that the changes will be introduced in late March or early April 2025. A further update will be provided here once the changes to the Traffic Management Orders have been progressed.
More information
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