Local Plan evidence
This evidence base is made up of a number of studies that underpin the various policies and proposals in the Council’s Local Development Framework. A large number of documents collectively form our evidence base, with the main studies published below. This page will be updated as and when new studies are undertaken and completed.
Economic land
- Employment Land and Premises Study (October 2020)
- Employment Land and Premises Study (August 2016)
- Employment Areas Survey 2009 (February 2010)
- Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Addendum (January 2022)
- Flood Risk and Development Sequential Test (January 2022)
- Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (December 2020)
- Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (November 2020)
Green infrastructure
- Playing Pitch Strategy - Action Plan Update (October 2024)
- Playing Pitch Strategy - Action Plan Update (April 2024)
- Playing Pitch Strategy (October 2021)
- Open Space Study (May 2021)
- Playing Pitch Assessment Report (May 2013)
- Playing Pitch Strategy (May 2013)
- Open Space Study (February 2007)
- Housing Needs Assessment (December 2024)
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (January 2022)
- Local Housing Needs Assessment - First Homes (December 2021)
- Affordability and financial viability impact of first homes (July 2021)
- Local Housing Needs Assessment (December 2020) - Please note, this Local Housing Needs Assessment uses a needs figure based on a standard method adopted in 2018, which is 2,537. Since the publication of the revised standard method on 16 December 2020, the local housing needs figure is 3,425.
- Gypsies and Travellers Accommodation Needs Assessment (April 2019, updated April 2022)
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2014 (October 2014)
- Affordable Housing Economic Viability Assessment Update (June 2013)
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2012)
- Nine Elms Battersea Infrastructure Planning (April 2024)
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan (October 2024)
Site allocations
- Site Allocations Methodology Paper (January 2022)
Sustainability appraisals
- Sustainability Appraisal for Draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) (January 2022)
- Sustainability Appraisal for Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) (November 2020)
- Local Plan Full Review - Integrated Impact Assessment (December 2018)
- Local Plan Employment and Industry Document - Integrated Impact Assessment (March 2017)
- Adoption Statement (December 2018)
- Local Plan 2016 Sustainability Appraisal - second Proposed Submission Version (October 2014)
- Addendum (March 2015)
Town centres and retail
- Retail Needs Assessment (June 2020)
- Retail and Town Centre Needs Assessment (December 2012)
- Retail and Town Centre Needs Assessment (March 2008)
Urban design and tall buildings
- Urban Design Study - low resolution (December 2021)
- Stage 1 Urban Design Statement - Tall Buildings (September 2009)
- Stage 2 Urban Design Study - Tall Buildings (May 2011)
- Whole Plan Viability Assessment (January 2022)
- Partial Review Whole Plan Viability Assessment (November 2024)
- Waste evidence base addendum - Meeting London Plan Apportionment Targets (April 2022)
- Duty to Co-operate Report on Waste Exports (May 2021)
- Waste Technical Study (July 2020)