Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) and guidance
We have adopted a number of planning guidance documents and supplementary planning documents (SPDs).
These documents provide information on how the policies and proposals in the Local Plan should be implemented.
SPDs replaced supplementary planning guidance (SPGs) in 2004. Despite this name change, SPGs remain material considerations in planning decisions.
Borough-wide guidance
- Basement extensions guidance - Guidance on the design, planning and construction of basement alterations
- Development Viability in Planning - guidance for applicants - Key principles relating to financial viability and affordable housing for applicants
- Historic Environment SPD - Guidance on the management of Wandsworth’s heritage assets
- Housing SPD - Information on standards for residential development, including: conversions, extensions and front garden treatments
- Local Views SPD - Detail regarding important views and viewpoints in Wandsworth
- Planning Obligations SPD - Guidance on the calculation and use of Section 106 agreements alongside the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Raising the Bar - early community engagement guidance for applicants - Information and key principles for applicants and developers about engaging with the community
- Refuse and Recyclables SPD - Requirements for waste storage and collection
- Shopfronts SPG - Advice relating to the design of shopfronts
- Town Centre Uses SPD - Guidance on planning applications involving public houses, hot food takeaways and betting shops
Place-based guidance
- Preparing the Clapham Junction urban heart masterplan - Read more about our work to develop a masterplan SPD for Clapham Junction and the surrounding area
- Publication of the Wandsworth Town Framework for Delivery - Information on how we aim to strengthen the future of Wandsworth town centre
- Wandle Delta Masterplan SPD - Guidance which aims to facilitate place-making on sites north of Wandsworth Town and south of the Thames
- Lombard Road/York Road Riverside Focal Point SPD - Proposals for the Lombard Road/York Road Riverside area - adopted in 2015
- Roehampton SPD - Information about proposals for the Roehampton area – adopted in 2015