Page 4 - Guidance for Children’s Services Early Help and Children’s Social Care :: Portus
P. 4

             Children and young people in your  Key Principles and Ways of
             care may experience difficulties                 Working.

             with their mental health.                        Everyone can play a part in helping children and
                                                              young people at risk.
             As a social care professional, you will be supporting
             children and young people with a range of needs. It   This resource sets out key principles and ways
             is likely that they will be encountering situations that   of working but does not prescribe how to act in
             are stressful and that will impact on their resilience,   individual situations. It is not intended to override
             mental health and well-being. Some may be harming   individual organisational or professional guidelines
             themselves as a response to the challenges they are   where they exist. It can however be used as a
             facing. Self-harm and suicide should be explored   reference point for discussions about approaches to
             routinely as part of social care interventions.  working with self-harm and suicidal thoughts and
                                                              behaviours, or to highlight training needs.

              With the right help and support

              children and young people can recover

              from their psychological distress.

                          Portus - A Safe Space - Guidance for Children’s Services Early Help and Children’s Social Care
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