Page 9 - Guidance for Children’s Services Early Help and Children’s Social Care :: Portus
P. 9

             Assessing Suicide Risk                           Training

             If you feel that the child or young person is at risk   Social care teams are recommended to regularly
             of suicide, then it is necessary to understand the   access training on Mental Health First Aid, self-harm
             seriousness and immediacy of the risk. Depression,   and suicide prevention as well as reading relevant
             hopelessness and continuing suicidal thoughts are   literature including this resource and pathway.
             known to be associated with high risk.
             If the child or young person talks about killing
             themselves always take this seriously as many people
             who die by suicide have previously told a professional
             about their intention.

             The following warning signs suggest that the risk is
             •  Current self-harm, especially if it poses a risk to the
                child or young person’s health and wellbeing.
             •  Self-harming behaviour is characterised by using a
                variety of harming methods
             •  Thoughts of suicide are frequent and not easily
             •  A specific plan to die by suicide.
             •  Access to the means to die by suicide (for example,
                stockpiling tablets).
             •  Significant drug or alcohol abuse.
             •  A situation felt to be causing hopelessness,
                unbearable pain, or distress.
             •  Previous, especially recent, suicide attempt.

             •  Evidence of current mental illness.
                                                              SUPPORTING STAFF
             •  Limited protective factors that may prevent them
                from attempting suicide or harming themselves,   Children’s services staff providing support to children
                for example, being socially isolated, poor    and young people who self-harm or are suicidal may
                relationships with parents/carers etc.        experience a range of intense emotions as a result; it
                                                              is helpful for staff to have an opportunity to talk this
             •  No support mechanisms when distressed.
                                                              through with mental health professionals and line-
             •  Not accepting help from family and friends    managers through supervision.

                          Portus - A Safe Space - Guidance for Children’s Services Early Help and Children’s Social Care
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