Page 13 - Guidance for Schools, Colleges, and Youth Services :: Portus
P. 13

             Confidentiality/information                      DSL, MHL Information
             sharing                                          Any member of staff who is aware of a student
                                                              engaging in or suspected to be at risk of engaging
             Students are entitled to expect personal information   in self-harm should consult the Mental Health Lead
             to remain confidential. This means that the      (MHL) or Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) but
             information should not be disclosed to anyone    in an emergency then any member of staff should
             including the student’s parents/guardians.
                                                              assess the situation, administer first aid and/or call for
             Unless it is considered:                         an ambulance for emergency assistance.
             •  In the interest of the health and safety of the child.   Once informed, the Mental Health lead or DSL will
                                                              decide on the appropriate course of action. This may
             •  For the prevention or detection of crime Even then
                care must be taken to limit disclosure to only those   include:
                who ‘need to know’.                           •  Contacting parents / carers
             Explaining Confidentiality                       •  Arranging professional assistance e.g., doctor,
                                                                nurse, social services
             It is important not to make promises of
             confidentiality that a member of staff cannot keep,   •  Arranging an appointment with a school/college-
                                                                based counsellor or therapist
             even though the student may put pressure on them
             to do so. If this is explained at the outset of any   •  Removing the student from lessons immediately if
             meeting the student can make an informed decision   remaining in class is likely to cause further distress
             as to how much information they wish to divulge.   to themselves or their peers

             Students should be made aware that confidentiality   •  Always remaining with the student if they are
             will be maintained but that it cannot always be    acutely distressed
             guaranteed. If a member of staff considers that a   Schools/colleges can make adjustments to help a
             student is at risk of harming themselves or others,   student but be aware that they may not want you
             then confidentiality cannot be kept.
                                                              to be involved and you may not be aware of the

                   Portus - A Safe Space - Guidance on Self-harm and Suicide Prevention for Schools, Colleges and Youth Services.
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