What to bring when you give notice to marry or form a civil partnership

Every person, regardless of nationality, wishing to give a notice must bring the following original documents with them to their appointment. Photocopies or electronic copies are not acceptable.

If you fail to produce the required documents your notice will not be taken and you will be required to rebook and pay again.

Evidence of name, date of birth, and nationality

You must bring one of the following documents: 

  • Valid passport*


  • British Citizens only:
    • A UK birth certificate if you were born before 1983
    • Full birth certificate plus your parent's UK birth certificate if you were born after 1983
  • Certificate of registration/naturalisation as a British citizen
  • Valid biometric immigration document
  • Valid Home Office travel document 

If you hold EUSS Settled status or Pre-Settled Status or have a pending application for either then you must bring with you the 6-digit ‘share code’ which allows us to view your status on the Home Office website. Without this, your appointment will not go ahead and you may still be charged your full appointment fee. See the government website for further information on how to prove your immigration status.

*If your passport is being held by the Home Office, you must request that they send a certified copy to us in time for your appointment. No other certified copies will be accepted.

Please note: ARC Cards (Application Registration Card) are not acceptable proof and cannot be used to give notice of marriage or civil partnership. 

Proof of residence

This must show your current address, where you have lived for seven full days immediately before attending your notice appointment.

You must bring one of the following documents in your name:

  • Utility bill (dated within 3 months)
  • Bank statement (dated within 1 month).
  • Most recent council tax bill (dated within 1 year)
  • Mortgage statement (dated within 1 year)
  • Valid UK driving licence showing your current name and address
  • Current residential tenancy agreement (signed by all parties)
  • Letter signed by proprietor/owner of the address who is able to confirm you period of residence

Marital status

  • A decree absolute if you were divorced in this country or an original final divorce document with translation if the divorce took place abroad
  • A death certificate for your late husband or wife if you are widowed

A statutory fee is payable for the consideration of all foreign divorces. Where certain criteria are met some foreign divorces can be reviewed and approved locally for a fee of £50. The majority will be referred to the General Register Office for consideration and the fee of £75 will apply. Please be advised that this fee is non-refundable in the event that your foreign divorce is turned down.

We advise that you do not make any ceremony arrangements until your foreign divorce has been approved.

Use of other names

  • A deed poll, change of name deed, or documents which demonstrate the use of the other name


  • Passport quality photographs for each of you if one or both of you are subject to immigration control and do not have Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK


  • A third party translator if either of you cannot speak English you are required to bring a third - you cannot translate for each other

Home Office Referral

  • Evidence of your immigration status if you are subject to immigration control - you will be automatically referred to the Home Office unless you have Indefinite Leave to Remain/Enter, a Marriage Visa, or proof of exemption


  • Standard notice: £42 
  • Home Office referral notice: £57 

Your appointment booking fee is redeemable against the statutory notice fee on the day of the appointment. If your notice is subject to Home Office referral an additional £30 per couple will be payable on the day.

Make booking

Ceremony details

If you have booked a ceremony please bring your booking confirmation.

If you have not yet booked you will need to provide the registrar with precise details of your chosen venue and room. This cannot be changed once notice is given.

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