Assisted collections

Assisted collections can help residents who may have difficulty leaving their household waste and recycling out for collection.


You may be eligible for assisted collections if you have a disability, medical condition, or mobility challenge, which impact on your ability to present household waste at kerbside.

We are only able to offer an assisted collection to households where no one living there can present the waste and recycling at the kerbside. 

Contract length

Depending on your reason for requesting collections, you will be signed up for either the long-term (36-month) or short-term (12-month) service.

You can cancel at any time if you no longer need assisted collections.

Long-term collections

Long-term assisted collections run for a period of 36 months. 

After this, we will send you a reminder letter to check:

  • Whether you still need the service
  • That you still live at the same address

You will need to contact us to continue with the service.

Short-term collections

Short-term assisted collections run for a period of 12 months. 

After this, if you still need assisted collections you will need to contact us on 020 8871 6000 to continue with the service.

Where we collect from

Your waste and recycling will be collected from your front doorstep or another front entrance (e.g. outside the garage door) rather than the kerbside.

We do not offer assisted collections if you live in a block of flats. You should contact your managing agent/landlord or Housing management if you need help with collecting waste and recycling from your flat.

If you live in a house then you can arrange an assisted collection.

Request assisted collections

For further information or to request assisted collections, call 020 8871 6000.

Your address will be added to the assisted collection list within two weeks.