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Maps Top match
View the borough with our detailed maps.
Historic maps of Wandsworth
View historic maps of Wandsworth borough online
Wandsworth maps
With Wandsworth maps you can search by address or postcode to find ward boundaries, planning applications, schools and more.
Location data
Many of these datasets are also available to view on the Wandsworth Maps website.
Local history and heritage
We hold records for the borough dating back to 1489, a wide range of books and articles on the borough's history and hundreds of old newspapers, maps and plans.
Wandsworth Common
Replace with real description 5351
Lists and registers
Lists and registers relating to Council services.
Wandsworth Heritage Service
Battersea Library, 265 Lavender Hill, London SW11 1JB
Local history and heritage at Battersea Library
265 Lavender Hill, London SW11 1JB
Change of use from B1a (offices) to C3 (dwellinghouses)
The Direction was confirmed by us on 26 February 2018 and came into force on 16 May 2018.
Using our data
Unless otherwise stated, the data in our datasets section is available for you to use under the Open Government Licence which allows sharing and reuse for commercial purposes, and the Ordnance Survey Open Data Licence.