Change details on the electoral register
If you need to make a change to the details already included on the Wandsworth Council Electoral Register, you will need to inform us.
Change of address
If you have moved, either within Wandsworth or to another borough, you will need to make an application to register at your new address.
Apply to register to vote straightaway, and make sure you include the address where you were last registered so that your details can be automatically removed from your previous address.
Change of name
If you are already on the Register and have changed your name you will need to inform us and provide evidence. The evidence you provide should show a clear link between the name under which you are currently registered and your new name.
You should provide a scanned copy of one of the following:
- A marriage or civil partnership certificate
- An overseas marriage or civil partnership certificate that has been deposited with the General Register Office for England and Wales, the General Register for Scotland or the General Register Office Northern Ireland
- A deed poll
- An amended birth certificate
- Legal declaration or affidavit
- Baptismal or confirmation certificate (for first names only)
- Amended Certificate of naturalisation or registration
- Amended Adoption order/certificate
Unable to provide any of these forms of evidence?
If you are unable to provide any of these forms of evidence make an application in your new name, making sure that you state your old name in your application.
Removal of a name from the register
If a change in circumstances at your address means that someone is no longer entitled to be registered, please let us know.
We require two sources of information to remove a name from the Register. If we cannot obtain a second source of information in addition to your notification, we may contact the person(s) being removed at their registered address.
Remove a name from the electoral register
Change of nationality
If your nationality has changed you should make a new application.
Got a question?
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