Credit referencing and the electoral register
Registered credit rating agencies (CRAs) are entitled to purchase the electoral register and its updates to maintain information held on individuals' credit reference files.
Open register
The electoral register is not the same as the open register, which can be bought by any person, company or organisation.
Your inclusion in/exclusion from the open register has no bearing on a CRAs ability to see if you are registered to vote at your address.
Updating your information with a credit reference agency
If you have recently registered to vote at your address, or have changed your details at an address where you are already registered, and would like to know when your name will be added to the electoral register (or amended), view publication dates.
You may have to allow a few weeks or months before your electoral registration is reflected in your credit reference file.
Disputes with credit reference agencies
If you find that your electoral register information is inaccurate or missing from your credit file, the first thing you should do is raise this as a dispute with the CRA that you obtained your credit file from by contacting them directly. They can, in the first instance, try and match you to the correct information.
There are 'easy' mistakes to identify such as an obvious mis-keying of a house number or misspelling of a name and in these cases the correct information can be merged, or separated as appropriate. The CRA should reply to let you know that they have resolved the issue or, if they are unable to, explaining why.
Further information about credit referencing is available on the Information Commissioner’s website.
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