Productivity Plan

This Productivity Plan has been produced in response to the requirement introduced by the Local Government Finance Settlement 2024/25 for local authorities to produce such plans. We are committed to running an efficient organisation, that provides excellent value for money in all service delivery.

We use various methods to measure productivity and effectiveness. These methods include budget monitoring, updates on progress against the Corporate Plan and performance reporting of services through the key performance indicators (KPIs) in our regular Corporate Performance Reports.

Corporate Plan

The Corporate Plan presents our priorities for residents from September 2022 through to March 2026, with an emphasis on things that we will deliver over the next year. It also outlines how we will take these forward and explains how we will measure our progress.

We refresh the plan each year, highlighting the progress we have made, our performance, as well as taking account of any new or emerging priorities.

We are working to make Wandsworth a fairer, compassionate and more sustainable borough and these priorities set the direction for all the work we do.

Medium Term Financial Strategy

The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) describes the financial direction of the Council and the financial pressures over a four year period. It models income, expenditure and resource requirements and demonstrates how our financial plans and strategies contribute to the achievement of our objectives.

It covers the General Fund Revenue Account, the Housing Revenue Account and the Capital Programme, and includes grant funded projects. It also comments on the significant risks facing us in the forthcoming years and explains what we are doing to reduce those risks.

Budget and Council Tax setting papers

The pages below provide information on our budgets for 2024/25 detailed by committee and Council Tax setting exercise which reflect the priorities of the Corporate Plan. It aims to balance our overall financial position and future outlook with supporting households with the current cost of living crisis.