Measuring equality

Our regular performance monitoring includes performance against a number of equality indicators including:

  • Percentage of adults with learning disabilities as primary support reason known to the Council in paid employment
  • Percentage of adults with learning disabilities as primary support reason known to the Council in settled accommodation
  • Achievement gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers achieving the expected level at KS2 (Level 4 and above in reading, writing and mathematics combined)
  • Achievement gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers achieving the expected level at KS4
  • Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in employment
  • Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in settled accommodation
  • Reduction in total police callouts for domestic violence victims within the MARAC cohort
  • Number of properties where major disability adaptations have been completed
  • Percentage of top 5% earners that are women
  • Percentage of top 5% earners that are from black and minority ethnic communities
  • Percentage of top 5% earners that have disability
  • Minority ethnic communities staff as percentage of all staff
  • Percentage of half day sessions missed due to total absence in local special schools
  • Percentage of older people who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services 
  • Excess winter deaths index 

View our latest performance against these indicators.

Departmental indicators

In addition to these indicators we also regularly review and publish detailed information on:

Equality Impact Needs Assessments

We also publish Equality Impact Needs Assessments (EINAs), which as part of their required analysis contain information on service user profiles by protected characteristic. As such they are a good source of information on who uses our services.

Equal opportunities in employment

As part of our policy we publish: