Residents' Conference


The Residents' Conference is aimed at council tenants and leaseholders who are or would like to be actively involved in the departments formal and informal resident participation structures.

This includes any:

  • Housing Community Champions
  • Residents involved in a Residents Association or Resident Management Organisation
  • Residents who are just interested in getting involved

Training and consultation exercises

The conference is a chance for residents to participate in professional led training and workshops. This is so they are best equipped to effectively get involved in the resident participation structures either by providing scrutiny to the departments services and policies or in supporting their community and neighbourhoods.

Consultation exercises are also run during the conference if the housing service is undergoing any new policy change or amendments.

As an example, the Resident Participation and Consultation Strategy was reviewed and residents were consulted on the changes during the Residents’ Conference 2023.

If you would like a copy of the workshop material that was presented in the previous Residents Conference, email

Community groups

Community groups across the borough attend and host stalls, which gives residents the opportunity to speak to them about the work they do to support their local community. It is also an opportunity for residents to network with their peers and the community groups so that their ideas and best practice can be shared.


The feedback received from those who previously attended the conference was very positive, with attendees reporting that the conference is highly engaging and valuable in helping them to support their residents and the community.

We would like to thank everyone who has attended a conference previously, and hope to see you at the next Residents' Conference in October 2024.

If you have any ideas on what training you would like to see offered in the next Residents' Conference contact your Resident Participation Officer or email