Page 4 - Guidance for Schools, Colleges, and Youth Services :: Portus
P. 4

             Three quarters of life-long mental health problems   Young women with a mental health disorder
             in the UK start before the age of 25. Compared to   between the ages of 17 and 19 have been identified
             previous generations, children and young people   as a particular high-risk group with just over half
             today are considered to have worse mental health   (52.7%) reporting that they had self-harmed or made
             outcomes.                                        a suicide attempt.

                                                              Growing up can be difficult

                 Children aged 5 to 16                        Children and young people often report that they feel
                 years identified as having                   intense pressure due to exams, family circumstances,
                                                              friendships and worries about what the future holds.
                 a probable mental                            Over time, this can affect their emotional and mental
                 health disorder.                             health.
                                                              It’s likely that the reason you are reading this is
                                                              because a child or young person in your care is
                                                              experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

             Mental ill health is a leading cause of health-related
             disability amongst children and young people and
             can have long lasting effects.

             The increase was evident in both boys and girls.   Resources to Help and Support.
             It is important to know that children and young
             people can recover from mental distress with the   With the right help and support children and young
             help of family, friends, and supportive adults.   people can recover from mental health problems.

             A young person with a diagnosed                  This resource offers guidance for staff
             mental health disorder is also                   working with children and young
             more likely to have self-harmed or               people under the age of 18 (under 25
             attempted suicide at some point.                 for those with disabilities or for care
                                                              leavers) who self-harm or feel suicidal.

             Recent data from 2017 highlights that for young
             people between 11 and 16 years with a mental health   It is aimed at staff who work with children and young
             disorder, 25.5% had self-harmed or attempted suicide   people in a wide range of settings such as schools,
             at some point compared to 3% for those without   colleges and youth or community groups.
             a disorder. For those between 17 to 19 years with a
             mental health disorder the rate is even higher with   This resource sets out key principles and ways
                                                              of working but does not prescribe how to act in
             almost half (46.8%) reporting that they had made a
             suicide attempt or self-harmed at some point.    individual situations. It is not intended to override
                                                              individual organisational or professional guidelines
                                                              where they exist. It can however be used as a
                                                              reference point for discussions about approaches to
                                                              working with self-harm and suicidal thoughts and
                                                              behaviours, or to highlight training needs.

                   Portus - A Safe Space - Guidance on Self-harm and Suicide Prevention for Schools, Colleges and Youth Services.
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