Page 8 - Parent & Carer Support Information :: Portus
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             How can I help?
             As a parent your first reaction may be to try and fix   COPING RIGHT NOW
             things and sort their problems out. This isn’t always
             easy or possible so it’s best to resist this urge.   You can explore with your child how or whether the
             Stay calm and give them space to talk.            following things might help them to cope right now:
             Experiencing thoughts of suicide can be extremely   •   Just focusing on getting through this moment
             isolating for a young person. You may be unsure of   rather than thinking too far ahead into the future
             how to respond and be worried about saying the    •   How they might stay away from drugs or alcohol
             wrong thing. But just being there and willing to    and what to replace them with
             listen helps your child feel less alone, which is really
             important.                                        •   How to get to a safe place if they contact you
                                                                 when away from home
             LISTEN, HEAR AND UNDERSTAND                       •   How they might spend more time with other
             It can take time for a young person to feel safe    people
             enough to share their feelings. Try to drop       •   The importance of doing things they enjoy – what
             everything you think you know and to hear           that might include
             how it really is for your child. Just listening, and
             withholding your opinions, helps them open up. Be   •   Working with them on a plan to keep them
             interested and ask, rather than guess, how they feel.  safe. We have included some safety plans in this
                                                                 resource or you can check out these links
             Use their own words to show you’ve heard them.
             This isn’t easy and needs practice – most people are   Papyrus Safety Plan – Staying Safe Safety Plan
             bad at really listening. But listening and talking is
             really important. You can also let them know how   Contact the Papyrus helpline Hopeline UK to get
             brave they are and how well they’re doing.        support on your next steps.
             Be mindful that your child may not want lots of   Call: 0800 068 4141
             people to know about their self-harm/suicidal     Text: 07860 039 967
             feelings, it can feel very shaming and embarrassing.
             KNOW YOUR OWN FEELINGS                            9am -midnight every day
             Your feelings are important too, but it’s best to   Stay calm - Ask directly - Be clear and direct
             share these with someone else, like a friend, parent
             support line or therapist.
             Many young people won’t talk to their parents
             because they don’t want to make them anxious
             – this is because they need their parents to act
             calmly. It may therefore be easier for them to talk     VISIT PAPYRUS
             to someone outside of the family. It isn’t that the
             parents have done anything wrong. Try not to take
             anything too personally when trying to support your
             At times, when your child is struggling, you might
             not recognise them or their behaviours. Remember
             that often when people are distressed, they lash out
             at the ones they love the most. This can be because
             it’s safer to show their distress with those they’re
             closest to. This can be hard but they still need your

                         Portus - A Safe Space - Self-harm and Suicide Prevention - Parent & Carer Support Information
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