Report it
Other things to report
- Abandoned or nuisance vehicle
- Adult abuse concerns
- Antisocial behaviour
- Blocked gully
- Blue Badge fraud or misuse
- Bollard
- Change in circumstances
- Dangerous structure
- Data breach or a security incident
- Dog control issue
- Dog fouling
- Empty property
- Filthy or verminous property
- Flooding incidents
- Fly-posting
- Graffiti
- Highway obstructions
- Licensing issue
- Litter bin to be emptied
- Littering
- Overgrown foliage
- Missed sack delivery
- Parking infringement on an estate
- Parking problem
- Parking signs
- Parking violations
- Pest control
- Planning control breach
- Pollution and contaminated land
- Private housing problem in your property
- Repair in your home
- Street cleaning request
- Street not swept
- Skips and materials
- Smoking in a public place
- Street cleaning emergency (eg. glass, oil, dead animal)
- Street light
- Traffic signs
- Traffic signals (TFL)
- Workplace health and safety risk