Get involved with the Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing board is a public forum, which means you can watch meetings in person or live via webinar, and review the recordings of previous meetings. There is also an opportunity to ask a question to the board.

How to watch

View upcoming meeting dates, agendas and reports.

You are welcome to come to meetings to watch in person.

Alternatively, you can watch meetings online live by clicking on the relevant meeting date at the start time, and selecting 'live webcast'.

All previous meetings are also available to review online.

Submit a question

There is an opportunity for organisations and groups to comment on items relating to an agenda item, via a request for a deputation.

Individuals wishing to speak will be required to have support from the group they are representing and to register in advance no later than 5pm on the working day before the meeting. They will need to provide:

  • The reasons why they wish to speak at the meeting
  • The particular points they wish to make
  • The names of six supporters from the deputation

Only one member of the group will be permitted to address the Board and the speaker must limit their presentation to no more than five minutes.

If you would like to make a representation on behalf of a group, contact the Democratic Services Officer. Contact details are located in the meeting section on the relevant date.